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Are Tarot Cards BS? 7 Surprising Reasons They’re Not

  • 16 min read
Are tarot cards bs 7 surprising reasons theyre not | tarot with gord
Are tarot cards bs 7 surprising reasons theyre not | tarot with gord

Let’s get straight to the point—are tarot cards BS? I know what you’re thinking: tarot cards? Really? It sounds like something out of a dodgy 90s TV show, right? But hold up, let’s not throw the cards out with the crystal ball just yet. There’s more to tarot than meets the eye, and no, it’s not about predicting whether you’ll meet a tall, dark, and handsome stranger.

The reality is, are tarot cards BS or not depends on how you approach them. Tarot is less about fortune-telling and more about self-reflection. It’s a tool that can help you get a clearer perspective on where you are in life right now—not some mystical set of magic cards that predict your future. And no, you don’t need to be a spiritual guru to benefit from it. This is the truth about tarot.

Let’s break down 7 surprising reasons tarot cards aren’t BS, and why you might actually find them helpful. And trust me, if you’re here because you’re sceptical or asking “is tarot real?” or looking to understand how tarot works, this is exactly what you need to read.

Tarot Gave Me a Connection to My Intuition (Even Though I Was Super Sceptical)

From the moment I started reading tarot, it gave me a way to connect to my intuition. And trust me, I wasn’t exactly buying into it at first. I was very sceptical. In fact, I think being sceptical is a pretty natural response when someone hands you a deck of 78 illustrated cards and says they can help you with life decisions. I was asking the same question—are tarot cards BS?

But here’s the thing: once I started working with the cards, something clicked.

Tarot wasn’t telling me my future, but it was helping me understand where I was right now. It gave me insights into situations I hadn’t even realised were affecting me. The more I used it, the more I saw that it wasn’t some mystical crystal ball—it was a tool for self-reflection and clarity. And it wasn’t just me. Loads of people I work with are sceptical or brand new to tarot, and almost every single one of them ends up having that same whoa, that makes sense moment. This is the truth about tarot: it helps you understand your present.

When I first picked up a tarot deck, I thought it would be fun, maybe even a bit silly. I didn’t expect to feel anything real. But the more I shuffled and laid out the cards, the more I began to recognise the patterns in my own thoughts. Are tarot cards BS? Not when you start seeing how much clarity they can bring. Tarot helped me look at my life from a fresh perspective, which is something I needed at the time. It wasn’t about divining some external force; it was about connecting with myself.

Personal Story: A Busy Night of Tarot at a Bar

I recently did an event for a drink launch, and they asked me to come along and do these quick five- or ten-minute readings for people. So, there I was, sitting in a loud pub with music blaring, giving five-minute readings for 50 people in the space of five hours.

It wasn’t the ideal tarot-reading environment, to say the least. But, guess what? Every single one of those people walked away saying, Whoa, that totally makes sense. That was helpful. Even in that chaotic environment, tarot cut through the crap. It didn’t make any wild predictions, but it gave people insights into their current situation and tools to move forward. That’s the power of tarot. If anyone asked me, “are tarot cards BS?”, I’d just ask them to sit down for a reading and see for themselves.

I sat there, reading for one person after another, and despite the noise and distractions, the readings still resonated with everyone. And not because I was magically connecting to some divine force, but because I was helping them reflect on their own experiences in a way that felt real to them. When you take away all the “woo,” that’s what tarot boils down to—helping people make sense of where they are right now.

It’s this practical side of tarot that really gets people thinking. Even those who come in as sceptics find themselves nodding along, because the cards reflect their current experiences. In a world where so much feels chaotic and out of control, having something as simple as a tarot reading can bring surprising clarity. The more people learn how tarot works, the less sceptical they become. So, are tarot cards BS? Not when they help you understand your present.

1. Tarot is a Tool, Not Magic (And That’s a Good Thing)

The number one misconception people have is that tarot is about fortune-telling or magic. It’s not. Tarot is a tool—a tool for understanding yourself, your situation, and the patterns you might not be seeing clearly. Think of it like a mirror: it doesn’t show you anything new, it just reflects what’s already there.

When I do a tarot reading, it’s not about telling someone their future—it’s about helping them understand their present more clearly. We all have blind spots, and sometimes we get so caught up in our own heads that we can’t see the bigger picture. That’s where tarot comes in. It’s like having a conversation with your subconscious, allowing you to see things from a different perspective. Are tarot cards BS? No, not if you understand them as tools for reflection.

There’s nothing supernatural about it—no hocus pocus required. It’s more about facilitating a dialogue with yourself. The cards offer symbols and themes that trigger thoughts, memories, and reflections, which you then apply to your current situation. It’s like using a map to figure out your location. The map itself isn’t magical—it’s just a tool to guide you. The science behind tarot comes from its use of archetypal imagery and the reflection it prompts, not from magic.

In fact, think about it: we use tools every day to make our lives easier, from GPS systems to personal planners. These tools don’t tell us the future, but they help us navigate life with more clarity and direction. Tarot works in much the same way—it’s a tool for reflection, not prediction. So, are tarot cards BS? Not if you use them the right way.

Analogy: Think of Tarot Like a Hammer

Imagine you have a hammer. You wouldn’t say a hammer is BS just because some people use it to break stuff, right? It’s a tool, and it can be used in all sorts of ways. You can hang a picture, put up a shelf, or, yes, even smash something (although maybe don’t do that). Tarot works the same way. Some people use it for hardcore divination, others for self-reflection or even mediumship. But the cards themselves aren’t BS—it’s all about how you use them.

And here’s the thing: just because someone uses a hammer to do something destructive doesn’t mean the hammer itself is bad. It’s about intention. Tarot, like any tool, can be used in various ways, but at its core, it’s about self-reflection and understanding. You wouldn’t avoid buying a hammer because you’re afraid of how it could be misused, right? Similarly, tarot is a tool with many applications, and how it’s used depends entirely on the person wielding it. So, are tarot cards BS? No, they’re not—they’re just misunderstood.

2. Tarot Works Through Symbols, Not Superstition

The imagery on tarot cards has been passed down for centuries, but it’s not just random. Each card in the Major Arcana is like an archetype—a universal symbol of a human experience or state of mind. From the Fool’s leap of faith to the Tower’s sudden disruption, each card holds meaning that taps into our collective unconscious.

These symbols are deeply embedded in human history. Think of the Fool as that moment when you take a leap of faith into something new, or the Tower as when everything in your life suddenly crumbles, forcing you to rebuild. These are experiences we all go through, and tarot uses these symbols to help us understand where we are in life. Are tarot cards BS? Not when you understand the depth of symbolism they carry.

Symbols work because they speak to us on a deep, emotional level. They’re shortcuts to understanding the human experience, which is why tarot resonates so strongly with people. You don’t need to believe in magic to appreciate the power of these symbols—they reflect universal truths about life, love, change, and growth.

The Minor Arcana, on the other hand, deals with the day-to-day stuff—our thoughts, feelings, material concerns, and passions. It’s like a map of our inner and outer worlds. When we pull these cards, they help us see where we might be stuck, or where we could be growing. It’s not about predicting the future—it’s about understanding where we are right now.

There’s a reason symbols like the ones found in tarot have endured for so long: they tap into something primal and timeless. Humans have been using symbols to understand the world around them for centuries. Tarot is just another extension of that, using imagery to communicate complex emotional and psychological states. So, are tarot cards BS? Absolutely not.

3. Tarot Helps You Cut Through the BS (And That’s Why It’s So Popular)

The real magic of tarot? It helps you cut through the mental clutter. You know when you’re stuck in your head, overthinking, and you can’t see the wood for the trees? That’s when tarot shines. It doesn’t tell you what to do, but it helps you focus on what matters and what’s really going on.

I’ve seen it happen time and again. People come into a reading feeling lost, confused, or just overwhelmed with life. The cards help them cut through all the noise and get to the heart of what’s really bothering them. And here’s the kicker—it’s not because the cards are magical. It’s because they offer a structured way to reflect on your thoughts and feelings.

We live in a world that’s filled with distractions—work, social media, the constant barrage of information coming at us from every direction. It’s no wonder people feel scattered and out of touch with themselves. Tarot acts as a tool to cut through that clutter and get to the core of what’s important.

Life is messy, and we’re all guilty of getting stuck in our own heads. Tarot offers a fresh perspective, helping you untangle the web of thoughts and emotions that can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s not about telling you what’s going to happen next week; it’s about helping you figure out what’s going on right now so you can move forward more clearly.

Sometimes, people are so busy trying to figure out the ‘next big thing’ that they miss what’s happening right in front of them. Tarot slows things down. It forces you to pause, reflect, and focus on what’s really going on in your life. And that’s what people need—clarity, not predictions. This is where the science behind tarot comes in—it’s about psychology and introspection, not magic.

4. Sceptical? You’re Not Alone (Most People Start Out That Way)

Most people I work with are sceptical at first. And honestly, I love that. There’s something refreshing about someone coming in and saying, I’m not sure I believe in this. Why? Because it means they’re open to having their minds changed.

I was exactly the same when I started. But then, reading after reading, things started to make sense. It wasn’t that tarot was telling me my future, it was that tarot was helping me understand my present. And time and again, I see that lightbulb moment happen for people I read for. They come in thinking it’s all a load of nonsense, and they leave with more clarity than they expected.

Even the most sceptical clients walk away saying things like, Wow, that’s spot on or I wasn’t expecting that, but it makes so much sense. It’s because tarot doesn’t need you to believe in magic—it’s just helping you to see things in a new light. If you want to know how tarot works, it works through helping you see the world differently. So, are tarot cards BS? Not if you use them for clarity.

Being sceptical is not a barrier; in fact, it can be the starting point for an incredible journey of self-discovery. Most people who come in with doubts end up realising that tarot isn’t what they expected. It’s not about believing in some external force—it’s about using a tool to reflect on your own life.

I’ve had people come to me who were dragged along by a friend, rolling their eyes at the very idea of a tarot reading. But by the end of the session, they were the ones asking the most questions. That’s the thing about tarot—it doesn’t need you to ‘believe’ in it for it to work.

5. You Don’t Need to Be Spiritual to Use Tarot

Here’s another myth: you have to be super ‘spiritual’ to benefit from tarot. Wrong. You don’t need to believe in anything woo-woo to get something out of a tarot reading. It’s not about seeing spirits or reading auras (though some people use tarot in those ways, and more power to them!).

At its core, tarot is a tool anyone can use. Whether you’re into astrology, mindfulness, or just trying to figure out why you’re feeling stuck, tarot gives you a framework to explore those feelings. Think of it like journaling or meditation—it’s a way to check in with yourself and your current situation.

I’ve had clients who consider themselves complete atheists come to me for a reading. They’re not looking for spiritual guidance—they just want help sorting through their thoughts and emotions. And that’s totally fine. Tarot isn’t about converting anyone to a belief system; it’s about offering a mirror for self-reflection.

At the end of the day, tarot works because it prompts introspection, not because it taps into something supernatural. Whether you’re a hard-nosed sceptic or someone who meditates daily, tarot can provide useful insights into your life and circumstances. And the best part? You don’t have to believe in anything outside of yourself for it to work.

In fact, some of the most profound tarot readings I’ve done have been for people who would consider themselves completely non-spiritual. They came looking for practical answers, and tarot delivered, not through mysticism, but through practical reflection. It’s not about being ‘spiritual’; it’s about being honest with yourself.

6. Tarot Helps You Gain Perspective (Not Predict the Future)

Here’s where people really get it wrong: tarot isn’t about predicting the future. It’s about understanding where you are now and what choices are available to you. Think of it like GPS for your life. The cards don’t tell you where you’re going—they help you figure out the different routes available.

Tarot doesn’t predict outcomes; it provides insight. It helps you see the options available, the potential paths ahead, and the consequences of different choices. It’s like standing at a crossroads and having someone help you look at the map clearly, so you can decide which way to go. The cards give context, not a roadmap.

Let’s be honest: life is messy. We all have moments when we feel stuck or uncertain about what to do next. Tarot helps by offering insight into what’s happening right now, which in turn can help you figure out what steps to take moving forward.

I’ve done readings for people who were at a crossroads—maybe they were thinking of changing careers, or maybe they were struggling in a relationship. The cards didn’t tell them what to do, but they helped shine a light on the situation. They offered clarity, helping them make more informed decisions.

7. People Walk Away From Readings Saying, “That Makes Sense”

I’ve done thousands of readings, and no matter how sceptical someone is coming in, they almost always walk away saying, Wow, that actually made sense. I’m not promising to tell you who you’re going to marry or whether you’ll get a promotion next week. But if you’re feeling stuck or unsure, tarot can offer a fresh perspective.

One of the best things about tarot is the way people respond to it. After a reading, they might not have all the answers, but they usually feel a bit clearer, a bit more centred. It’s not about telling them their future, but about giving them the tools to understand their present more deeply.

Tarot readings are about connecting with your intuition, getting clear on where you are, and gaining insight into the choices you have. It’s not BS—it’s a way to tap into your intuition and get a clearer sense of where you’re at. And, let’s be real, who doesn’t need a bit of clarity in their life?

The feedback from clients always follows a similar pattern. At first, they’re cautious, unsure of what to expect. But by the end of the reading, they’re nodding, smiling, and often saying, That makes sense. It’s not about being told what to do, but about understanding the options on the table more clearly.

Final Thoughts: Are Tarot Cards BS?

So, are tarot cards BS? No. It’s that simple. Whether you’re into hardcore spirituality or just looking for some guidance on your next steps, tarot is a tool that can help you cut through the noise and get clarity. It’s not about predicting the future—it’s about understanding where you are and how to move forward.

If you’re curious, why not give it a try?

Book a 30-minute tarot reading or a discovery call today. Let’s cut through the crap and see what the cards have to say about your current situation. Book a reading now.