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The Tower Tarot Card Meaning

The tower tarot card meaning | tarot with gord


  • Upheaval
  • Disruption
  • Change


  • Resistance to Change
  • Delayed Disruption
  • Chaos

The Tower signifies upheaval and disruption. It suggests a sudden change that shakes the status quo, indicating that things will never be the same again. This card embodies unavoidable shifts that disrupt our lives, forcing us to adapt to new circumstances. Reversed, it can indicate a delayed disruption or a resistance to change, leading to even greater chaos.

The Tower Upright


The Tower card represents upheaval, a sudden and often unexpected event that shakes the foundation of your life. This card suggests that a significant change is imminent, one that will disrupt the current state of affairs. It’s a powerful reminder that while upheaval can be unsettling, it also paves the way for growth and new beginnings. The Tower’s energy encourages you to embrace this change, understanding that it is necessary for your evolution. Their presence in a reading signals that while the road ahead may be turbulent, it ultimately leads to a more authentic and stable path.


Disruption is at the heart of The Tower’s message. This card signifies a breaking down of old structures and beliefs, making way for new insights and perspectives. It suggests that the disruption you are experiencing is a catalyst for profound transformation. The Tower encourages you to see this disruption as an opportunity to rebuild and to create a stronger, more resilient foundation. Their energy supports you in navigating the chaos and in finding the strength to adapt and thrive amidst the turmoil.


The Tower card embodies the essence of change, highlighting the inevitability of transformation in our lives. It suggests that this change is not just a minor adjustment but a significant shift that alters your trajectory. The Tower encourages you to embrace this change, even if it feels daunting or overwhelming. Their presence in a reading is a reminder that change, though challenging, is essential for growth and renewal. By accepting and adapting to these changes, you can emerge stronger and more enlightened.

The Tower Reversed

Resistance to Change

When The Tower card appears reversed, it can indicate a resistance to change. This card suggests that you may be clinging to old ways and resisting the inevitable transformation that is trying to occur. It’s a call to let go of your fears and to embrace the changes that are necessary for your growth. The reversed Tower encourages you to stop resisting and to allow the transformation to happen. Their energy supports you in releasing your grip on the past and in opening yourself up to new possibilities.

Delayed Disruption

Reversed, The Tower can signify a delayed disruption, where the inevitable upheaval is being postponed. This card suggests that while the disruption has not yet occurred, it is still looming on the horizon. It’s a reminder that delaying the inevitable can lead to even greater chaos when the disruption finally happens. The reversed Tower urges you to prepare for this change and to face it head-on. Their energy helps you to navigate the upcoming upheaval with foresight and resilience, minimising the impact and allowing for a smoother transition.


The reversed Tower highlights the presence of chaos, often as a result of resisting necessary change. This card suggests that by not addressing the root causes of disruption, you may be experiencing heightened confusion and instability. It’s a call to confront the chaos and to find ways to bring order and clarity to your situation. The reversed Tower encourages you to take proactive steps to manage the chaos and to create a more stable environment. Their energy supports you in finding calm amidst the storm and in restoring balance to your life.

The Tower on the Fool’s Journey

The Tower is one of the cards on the Fool’s Journey, a symbolic narrative in tarot that explores the archetypes and experiences shaping our existence. The Major Arcana represents the grand themes and life-altering moments in the tarot. It’s a 22-card journey that begins with the Fool, symbolizing new beginnings and adventure. Each card represents a distinct chapter, exploring the dualities, challenges, and transformations we face throughout our lives.

Understanding the themes in the Major Arcana is crucial for grasping the Fool’s Journey. As you progress through these cards, you will encounter symbols and lessons that resonate with various stages of life, offering insights into personal growth, relationships, and spiritual questions.

The Tower in the Superconscious Realm: Embracing Ultimate Enlightenment

The Tower is part of the Superconscious Realm. This realm represents the culmination of your journey through tarot, where spiritual insights and enlightenment converge. It’s where you integrate the lessons from previous realms and apply them to create a life filled with clarity and purpose. The Superconscious Realm isn’t just the end of your journey; it’s a new beginning. It invites you to live out the wisdom you’ve gained and make a meaningful impact on the world around you, embracing your ultimate potential and stepping into a life of true enlightenment.

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