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The Hanged One Tarot Card Meaning

The hanged man tarot card meaning | tarot with gord


  • Stagnation
  • Waiting
  • Patience


  • Refusal to Learn
  • Impatience
  • Resistance to Change

The Hanged One represents stagnation and a period of waiting. It suggests that there might be a lesson to learn during this time of being stuck. This card encourages patience and reflection as you navigate this phase. Reversed, it can indicate a refusal to learn the lesson or impatience with the process.

The Hanged One Upright


The Hanged One symbolises a period of stagnation where forward movement seems impossible. This card suggests that you might feel stuck, unable to progress or make decisions. However, this stagnation is not necessarily negative. The Hanged One encourages you to view this pause as an opportunity for reflection and inner growth. Their energy reminds you that sometimes, standing still is necessary to gain a new perspective and to prepare for future action. Embrace this time of stagnation and use it to gain clarity and insight.


Waiting is a central theme of The Hanged One. This card signifies a period where action is delayed, and patience is required. It suggests that rushing ahead may not be the best course of action right now. The Hanged One encourages you to trust in the timing of the universe and to allow things to unfold naturally. Their energy supports you in practising patience and finding peace in the waiting. By doing so, you can cultivate a deeper understanding and readiness for the opportunities that lie ahead.


The Hanged One is a powerful reminder of the virtue of patience. This card urges you to let go of the need for immediate results and to embrace the present moment. It suggests that there is value in waiting and that patience can lead to more thoughtful and deliberate actions. The Hanged One encourages you to cultivate a patient mindset, understanding that some things take time to come to fruition. Their energy helps you to remain calm and composed, even in the face of delays or uncertainty.

The Hanged One Reversed

Refusal to Learn

When The Hanged One appears reversed, it can indicate a refusal to learn the lesson that this period of stagnation is offering. This card suggests that you may be resisting the insights and growth that come from being still and reflective. It’s a call to open yourself up to the lessons at hand and to embrace the opportunity for inner growth. The reversed Hanged One encourages you to let go of stubbornness and to be willing to learn and evolve. Their energy supports you in breaking free from old patterns and embracing new perspectives.


Reversed, The Hanged One can signify impatience and a frustration with the waiting process. This card suggests that you may be feeling restless and eager to move forward, even if the timing isn’t right. It’s a reminder to slow down and to practise patience, recognising that haste can lead to mistakes or missed opportunities. The reversed Hanged One urges you to find ways to cultivate patience and to trust in the natural flow of events. Their energy helps you to remain centred and patient, even when progress seems slow.

Resistance to Change

The reversed Hanged One highlights a resistance to change and an unwillingness to adapt to new circumstances. This card suggests that you may be clinging to old ways of thinking or behaving, even when they no longer serve you. It’s a call to embrace change and to be open to new possibilities. The reversed Hanged One encourages you to let go of resistance and to allow yourself to evolve and grow. Their energy supports you in making necessary changes and in finding the courage to step into the unknown.

The Hanged One on the Fool’s Journey

The Hanged One is one of the cards on the Fool’s Journey, a symbolic narrative in tarot that explores the archetypes and experiences shaping our existence. The Major Arcana represents the grand themes and life-altering moments in the tarot. It’s a 22-card journey that begins with the Fool, symbolizing new beginnings and adventure. Each card represents a distinct chapter, exploring the dualities, challenges, and transformations we face throughout our lives.

Understanding the themes in the Major Arcana is crucial for grasping the Fool’s Journey. As you progress through these cards, you will encounter symbols and lessons that resonate with various stages of life, offering insights into personal growth, relationships, and spiritual questions.

The Hanged One in the Unconscious Realm: Exploring the Depths

The Hanged One belongs to the Unconscious Realm. In this realm, tarot pushes you to explore deeper layers of your psyche. This section is about confronting hidden fears, desires, and subconscious motivations. It’s a journey into the unknown, where you carry a light to illuminate the corners of your soul and gain insights into what drives you. It’s a path to profound self-awareness and insight.

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